Helpful information on the topic of finding a therapy place

Are you looking for a therapy place? We have put together some helpful information for you.

Here you will find further information on the topic of therapy:

Licensed psychotherapists in your area are listed on these websites - you can easily filter by place of residence and psychotherapy method:

You can currently find free places for group psychotherapy in your area on the following website:

The Baden-Württemberg Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians can arrange an initial consultation for you by dialling 116 117.

You have already been to a consultation and the PTV 11 form is available, but you could not be offered therapy?
Then contact the MedCall patient telephone number +49 711 7875-3966 for a therapy referral.

Further information can often be found on the health insurance company's website or via the responsible clerk.

Psychologists in training to become psychotherapists work in the training institutes. Part of the training consists of outpatient treatment of patients under supervision.

SZVT Zentrum für Psychotherapie Stuttgart
Christophstraße 8
70178 Stuttgart

Telephone: +49 966 96 – 61

More information on the Website of SZVT


Psychotherapeutische Ambulanz der AVM
Marienstraße 43
70178 Stuttgart

Telephone: + 49 711 6207800-0 – Requests for therapy places can only be made by telephone!

More information on the Website of outpatient clinic of AVM

Psychologists in training to become psychotherapists work in the training institutes. Part of the training consists of outpatient treatment of patients under supervision.

Psychoanalytisches Institut Stuttgart e.V.
outpatient clinic
Hohenzollernstraße 26
70178 Stuttgart

Telephone: +49 711 64852-21

More information on the Website of the outpatient clinic of Psychoanalytischen Institut Stuttgart e.V.


Institut für Psychoanalyse der DPG Stuttgart
outpatient clinic
Hohenzollernstr. 26
70178 Stuttgart

Telephone:  +49 711 64852-50

More information on the Website of the outpatient clinic of DPG Stuttgart


C.G. Jung-Institut Stuttgart e.V.
outpatient clinic - adults
Tübinger Str. 21
70178 Stuttgart

Telephone: +49 711 620709-42 – Appointments by telephone arrangement

More information on the Website of the outpatient clinic of C.G. Jung-Institut Stuttgart e.V.


Institut für Psychoanalyse Stuttgart-Tübingen e.V.
outpatient clinic
Erwin-Bälz-Strasse 48
70597 Stuttgart (Degerloch)

Telephone: +49 0711-2260655 

More information on the Website of Institut für Psychoanalyse Stuttgart-Tübingen e.V.

Psychologists in training to become psychotherapists work in the training institutes. Part of the training consists of outpatient treatment of patients under supervision.

Systemica Institut Stuttgart
Heilbronner Str. 150
70191 Stuttgart

Telephone: +49 731 71886240

More information on the Website of Systemica Ambulanz.

Important: The use of a DiGA (digital health application) does not replace a visit to the doctor or taking medication. However, it can be a useful supplement and support.

  • MindDoc – Online-Therapy (behavioural therapy)
    Support in coping with depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders and eating disorders.
    The therapy costs are covered by private insurances and the following statutory insurances: Barmer / Knappschaft.
    More information on the Website of MindDoc
  • Overview of DiGAs 
    Visit the Website of Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices and choose „Psyche“. All DiGAs approved for the field of mental illness are listed there. These include digital therapy approaches, for example for depression, anxiety, sleep and eating disorders as well as alcohol abuse.
  • Online course DiGA
    Support in coping with binge eating disorder, bulimia, depression, generalised anxiety disorder, panic disorder and chronic pain.
    The therapy costs are covered 100% by all statutory health insurance companies with a corresponding prescription.
    More information on the Website of Selfapy 

On the Website Klinikradar you can find an overview of psychiatric and psychosomatik clinics. You can also filter by location or postcode.

Victim experience with sexualized violence

If you have experienced sexualized violence, you can accept various offers of support:

  • the help hotline (Hilfetelefon) of the Federal Office for Family Affairs and Civil Society Tasks on +49 800 116 016 (help hotline for violence against women) or +49 800 1239900 (help hotline for violence against men)
  • on the Website of the help hotline you can find a Chat and an E-Mail 

Counselling centers Sexualized violence

Frauenberatungs- und Therapiezentrum Stuttgart e.V.
Telephone: +49 711 28 59 001 oder +49 711 28 59 002
Website of Frauenberatungs- und Therapiezentrum 

Wildwasser Stuttgart e. V. – Women's counselling center
for women who have experienced sexualized violence, sexual boundary violations and abuse of power in childhood or adolescence.
Telephone: +49 711 85 70 68
Website of Wildwasser Stuttgart e.V.  

Kobra e.V. 
for children and young people who have experienced sexualized violence and their caregivers
Telephone: +49 711 162970

Ruf & Rat
also for affected males
Telephone: +49 711 226 20 55
Website of Ruf und Rat 
for affected males: Website Mentoo of Ruf und Rat

Wildwasser Esslingen e.V.
online counselling possible
Telephone: +49 711 355589
Website of Wildwasser Esslingen e.V.


Frauen für Frauen e.V.
Telephone: +49 7141 220870
Website of Frauen für Frauen Ludwigsburg

Silberdistel Ludwigsburg e.V.    
Counselling center for victims of sexual violence
Telephone: +49 7141 6887 190 
Website of Silberdistel Ludwigsburg